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OOZE is an international design practice operating between the fields of art, architecture and urbanism.

11th Biennale of Architecture São Paulo (Vila Itororó, Brazil)

13 December 2017

Água Paulista and Água Carioca

As part of the 11th São Paulo Architecture Biennial 2017, Ooze was invited to develop Água Paulista, a project investigating the potential for local, closed-loop water cycles, using rainwater collection, natural wastewater treatment and water recycling, in the city.

Three events were held in December 2017 in São Paulo – a community workshop which created a graffiti map exploring closed-loop water cycles in the neighbourhood of Sapé, a decision makers workshop to interrogate implementation and management, and a lecture to provide a forum for public reflection and debate.

Água Paulista, São Paulo

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L-R: André Goldman (Assistant Curator, Biennale), Eva Pfannes (Ooze) & Marcos L. Rosa (Curator, Biennale) (© Ooze)