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OOZE is an international design practice operating between the fields of art, architecture and urbanism.

A-Lab & OOZE selected for the 'Verket' for the Grønlikaia Harbour front competition in Oslo

4 April 2022

We have been selected as part of a team lead by A-Lab together with 15 other design teams to compete for the last harbour front competition of Oslo in Grønlikaia.

A-Lab & OOZE together with Bollinger Grohmann, Natural State, Resirquel, Its Tomorrow, Sweco, Simon Kline, Siri Østvold, Roar Svenning, Henrik Taubøll will work on “Verket” one of the 5 highlighted sites and compete with 3 other teams.

The process is a parallele track competition with intermediary public presentations and workshops followed up by an exhibition in the Oslo Triennal taking place in Autumn this year.

Treverket, the former harbor area of Oslo


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