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OOZE is an international design practice operating between the fields of art, architecture and urbanism.

Looking back to the Future: 20 year of IABR @ the Keilezaal, Rotterdam

11 November 2022

As part of IT'S ABOUT TIME, the 10th edition of the Architecture Biennale Rotterdam the event Looking Back to the Future: 20 years of IABR is organized in the Keilezaal. During this event, which is both festive and substantive, the former curators of the event, including Dirk Sijmons, Maarten Hajer, Eva Pfannes, Adrian Gueze and Francine Houben, are asked to reflect on the topicality and theme of their previous biennale.
Do changes in time, insights and context affect the meaning and value of the original theme? And how relevant are the answers provided at the time still?

In a panel discussion, other IABR cultural partners such as Elma van Boxel (ZUS), Thijs van Spaandonk (BRIGHT), Joachim Declerck (AWB) and Michiel van Iersel (Looom) enter into conversation. Representatives of the younger generation of designers and thinkers are also invited to speak. Shelley Long (landscape architect) and Freek van Riet (urban planner and landscape designer), among others, will discuss the results and the current relevance of the various themes.

Moderation: Marsha Simon & JaapJan Berg

Program schedule:
09:30 – 10.00 Walk-in
10:00 – 10.15 Welcome by Saskia van Stein (director IABR)
10:15 – 10.55 Adriaan Geuze (curator The Flood, 2005) and coreferent Shelley Long (landscape architect)
11:00 – 11.40 Maarten Hajer (curator The Next Economy, 2016) and coreferent Peter Veenstra (landscape architect, co-curator IT'S ABOUT TIME)
11:45 – 12.40 Lunch
12:45 – 13.25 Dirk Sijmons (curator Urban by Nature, 2014) and coreferent Freek van Riet (urban planner and landscape designer )
13:30 – 14.10 Eva Pfannes (co-curator Energie van Wie? 2021/22)
14.15 – 14.40 Intermission
14:45 – 15.25 Francine Houben (curator Mobility, 2003) and co-curator Lydia Giokari (architect)
15:30 – 16:20 Panel discussion 'How can the IABR develop in the next 20 years? With: Elma van Boxtel (co-curator Making City, 2012), Michiel van Iersel (co-curator The Next Economy, 2016), Thijs van Spaandonck (co-curator Energie van Wie? 2021/2022) and Veronique Patteeuw (co-curator -curator It's About Time, 2022)
16.20 - 16.30 Wrap up by Saskia van Stein
16.30 - 17.30 Drinks

LOCATION: Keilezaal, Keilestraat 9, 3029 BP Rotterdam

DATE: 11 November 2022

LEAP - Local Energy Action Plan, Rotterdam


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