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OOZE is an international design practice operating between the fields of art, architecture and urbanism.

Architectures à Vivre

19 December 2012

Renouveau kaléidoscopique

par Laurie Picout

Entre réhabilitation et construction neuve, il faut choisir ! L’une confère une apparente liberté de conception. L’autre impose des contraintes liées à l’existant, mais n’est-ce pas l’occasion d’expérimenter ? Les architectes de l’agence hollandaise OOZE se sont pliés à l’exercice. À partir d’une vieille ferme de Rotterdam, ils créent une maison originale aux multiples facettes. Ce surprenant kaléidoscope concilie architecture traditionnelle et innovation structurelle.


Kaleidoscopic Renewal

by Laurie Picout

Between rehabilitation and new construction, you must choose! One confers an apparent freedom of conception. The other imposes constraints related to the existing one, but is this not an opportunity to experiment? The architects of the Dutch agency OOZE took up the challenge. From an old farm in Rotterdam, they have created an original house with many facets. This surprising kaleidoscope reconciles traditional architecture and structural innovation.

> Read the full article as PDF [in French]

Villa Rotterdam

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