Dakparkschool en Binnengebied
Research by Design by OOZE in the context of the IABR–Atelier Rotterdam commissioned by the IABR
The study Dakparkschool en Binnengebied, which was carried out by OOZE between January and March 2020 in the context of IABR-Atelier Rotterdam: Energy Transition as Leverage for Socially Inclusive City Making, is a case within, and as such a crucial contribution to the research towards a Local Energy Action Plan (LEAP) for the Rotterdam district Bospolder-Tussendijken (BoTu).
A truly resilient neighbourhood is impossible without resilient schools. The planned (re)development of the Dakparkschool and its ‘binnen gebied’, the block’s inner courtyard presents an excellent opportunity to enrich the district with a new green heart.
The aim of this research by design is to imagine ways in which the energy transition can be used as leverage to achieve added social and societal value for the Bospolder-Tussendijken neighbourhood. As a result of its integrated approach the study addresses spatial, social, educational, financial, and technical elements, while also establishing a framework for a public call for a new architectural design for the Dakparkschool and the inner courtyard which eventually would contribute to the LEAP for BoTu.
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
0.75 ha
OBS Dakparkschool Rotterdam
Eva Pfannes, Sylvain Hartenberg, Federica Zatta, Leanne Hoogwaerts
International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam
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